Thursday, April 17, 2008

Happy Birthday Kayden!

Wednesday was Kayden's birthday.... he turned 14. He had the oddest list this year: Etch-a-Sketch, Newtons Cradle (couldn't find that one), new tie and a Pinpression. We also got him a basketball hoop (it's still being shipped and then we need to concrete it into the ground). He wanted ribs and baked potatoes for his dinner, and rice pudding for his birthday cake (he had to hold his candle because I couldn't think of a way to get the candles to not sink in the pudding!) Here's a picture of him and his Etch-a-Sketch:

Isn't he cute?


Lyn said...

Happy Birthday to both of your boys! Can't believe Kayden is 14! My how he has grown.Out of all of your kids I can't believe how much McKay looks like Rik. Takes me back a lot of years. Love the posts!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday boys. Man when did they get so old?? Crazy. Miss you guys.