Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Happy Birthday McKay!

Today was McKay's birthday... and he was soooo excited. I heard him wake up and say, "YESSSSSS!!" He's been counting down to today. I was a little worried though, because he was up earlier than usual, I thought maybe he would be grouchy. Yesterday morning Kayden was making McKay's bed.... while McKay was still sleeping in it (totally like Kayden to want his room that clean... are you feeling my pain to get the basement done yet?!), and he woke McKay up (imagine that...) and McKay was a HUGE grump all day yesterday! I was really hoping today wouldn't be a repeat (nothing like spending your birthday in "time-out.") But for the most part he had a great day. He opened his presents this morning, Rik and I took him to Arctic Circle for lunch (it was going to be a picnic at the park, but that would have been like going to the REAL Arctic.... winter's back...errr!), came home and played with his new toys, had his favorite food for dinner (salad and sausage... ya, I know, weird combination for dinner tonight... but those are his two favorite foods....) and then grandma and cousins came over for candles and yummy cake, and now he's asleep. Here's some pictures of the day:

Some funny quotes I heard today:

McKay, after I got him out of the tub, wrapped him up in a towel with the towel draped on his head: "I look like Jesus... or maybe Mary, ya, probably Mary."
Anaya: "Hurry is a bad word... don't say it any more!"

Kayden's birthday is tomorrow... he wants rice pudding instead of cake (yum!) You should have seen the blizzard I shopped in tonight shopping for Kayden's birthday... good thing I like him!


Samantha said...

Happy birthday to both your boys!! Thanks for sharing the fun pictures!!

MOANA said...

HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHILDREN DEAR!! Happy day for both of you, sorry a little late in wishing you a happy b-day, I have been without a computer. Hope all is well with you all, lots of love,

Nathan and Annalee Peterson Family said...

Looks like you had some fun birthdays! Kayden is getting tall, or maybe it was the angle that you were standing. It's sure fun seeing them grow up. Too bad we're not closer! Hope you're not birthdayed out!