Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Maybe I need some Focus Factor....

Our ward is in charge of the program for the May stake baptisms, so I started calling the families that had kids being baptized to get a program together. The first house I called, I got an answering machine, so I left a message. I also got an answering machine at the second house I called, I left my message and then ended with: "...I say these things in the name of.... What? Huh? That was weird!" Then realizing what I said I start laughing. "Huh, that's funny." Then there is an awkward long silence while I try to think of something funny and smart, and not idiotic to say, you know, like "Huh, so apparently I'm just too spiritual for my own good," but I just tried to end my message with a prayer for crying out loud... so nothing smart came to mind, so I quickly mumbled "Alrighty then, I'll talk to you later!"and hung up the phone. (Um, ya, I have no intentions of calling them back now...) Oh good grief.. I'm such a dork.

So I'm thinking I'll get some of that Focus Factor so that maybe I can pay attention enough to remember when I'm saying a prayer, and when I'm leaving a message AT A REAL PERSON'S HOUSE!! I'm telling myself that it was a kind of long message and the machine probably cut me off before I got to the "and I say these things...." part, and definitely before I started talking to myself on the answering machine.

My tulips are poking up in the front yard! It's been beautiful the last two days, and my kids have loved being outside again. Less than two months of school left! Yippee!


MOANA said...

I don't mean to laugh at your expense but this is really funny and incredibly embarrassing as well! WOW you have a lot of courage sharing this, I love it!! Glad your tulips are coming up exciting isn't it that Spring is here, kind of!? Moana

Kristina P. said...

That is SOO funny!

My husband was once talking to his boss on the phone, and ended the conversation with "Love you!" That was awkward.

Not as awkward and mortifying as your experience, but awkward nonetheless,.

Joe and Kristen Blakley said...

I read this and thought it was so funny I just had to read it to Joe. I started reading but was laughing so hard I couldn't finish.
Joe was on the phone with one of his employees one day and when he was hanging up he told him he loved him. So I think we have all done something like that.

Debi said...

I'm glad you took my advice and blogged this, where is the pic of you on the phone? Still got a laugh out of reading about it, after you told me about. This is one for the hard bound book!

Michelle said...

Hahahaha...now that is funny! lol! A couple of years ago there was a lady giving the morning traffic report on the radio in SLC that ended it with a prayer! It was hilarious...it might still be on youtube maybe, anyways, have a good day, you just started mine off right! :)

DeAnn said...

Still funny even a few days later! I still think it's your dad's fault since I, um, have never done anything embarrassing. Ever. I mean it.

Samantha said...

Oh that's funny!!! Thanks for sharing!!

JRO said...

Too funny! You wouldn't believe how many times I've come close to doing something like this in front of a class. Maybe it's a good sign because when you're not really focussed on what you're saying, apparently you're mind is in a good place.

Murdoch Clan said...

Hilarious Lex! Funny thing is that I think that sounds like a Laura thing to do! Patrick always gets embarassed when I leave a message...he says I talk to much and ramble on and on. He reminds me to keep it short and simple, in your case, it's a good THING that it was long right! Too funny! I need some of that stuff myself...

Jeannette said...

Your post gave me a big chuckle. It has been a tough week and I needed something to smile about.
You have a great way of writting and looking at things with great humor.
Thanks for sharing.