Sunday, May 10, 2009

Some Firsts and Lasts

We are in May now, which I think is almost as busy as December... but there aren't any presents at the end and the weather is better (depending on the day...Spring in Idaho is a little erratic!) But here's a little list of some "firsts" and "lasts" that have happened over the last little while.

McKay has his first loose tooth! He's so excited for it to fall out and collect some money (he should really consult with the other kids on our terrible tooth fairy!)

McKay also had his first t-ball practice. He was a little nervous, but went, and loved it, and has asked every day if he has practice again.

Speaking of McKay, I had the funniest conversation with him the other morning. I was making breakfast and he was reading to me:

McKay: Mom, what does w-h-a-t spell?
Me: It spells "what."
McKay: I don't know.
Me: No, it spells the word "what."
McKay: I don't know, that's why I'm asking you!
Me: McKay, w-h-a-t spells "what"
McKay (trying to sound it out): wwuh - hhhuh - aaa-ttt. I DON'T KNOW!!
Me (goes over and points to the word "what"): This word right here is the word "what."


I wrote my last preschool check last week. Anaya goes to kindergarten next year, so no more preschool for me! I have a lot of friends that get so sad when their kids go to kindergarten or start to progress to that next phase. I'm not like that, but it's not because I'm in a hurry for them to grow up... it's just whatever phase or age my kids are in, that's my favorite age. I loved my newborns, loved it when they were toddlers, loved it when they started school, and clear on up. So now that Anaya is taking that next step (and she is so ready), I'm excited to see her enter that next phase, and it will probably be my favorite age =)

Kayden had his last track meet for the year. He had a rough month though. He started out with a cold, and that cold got worse and worse. He never really had time to rest or get over it though, and running outside everyday seemed to make it worse. So for his last track meet he coughed and hacked all the way around, and his time was about 10 seconds longer. He's wanting to start training tomorrow for a 1/2 marathon with Rik.

Malia, Rik, and Taisha had the last of their volleyball games. All of Taisha's games were out of town, and most of Malia's were too, so I'm looking forward to having my Saturdays back! (And Friday nights, since that is when both teams had practice!)

Malia had her first Motown singing performance with her singing group. Her solo song is "Stop in the Name of Love" (which I missed cause I had to get McKay to school.) There are more performances coming up. Here's just a quick clip of their performance. I was a little slow getting the camera going, so it's just the end of Malia's solo in this song.

My kids played Pictureka for the first time on Easter (Easter bunny brought it.) It has been a HUGE hit. It is played ever day, several times. It has been played enough, that Anaya and McKay have the board memorized, and have figured out how to cheat, and I'm wondering if I need to hide that game for a while!

We had a really nice Mother's Day. I got to sleep in (I haven't had a good sleep in since General Conference.) Anaya made my bed for me (you should see what a good job she does making my bed!) and she gave me a hula hoop performance... which is exactly what I wanted! Rik upgraded my cell phone so I can keep up with my texting kids better. Anaya and McKay both made me flowers at school that had candy for the middles. They both told me that they made the flowers for me, and the candy was for them... funny. Taisha made me a card and signed it "from your most awesome child, Taisha," and I have to agree. Last Tuesday the Young Women invited their moms over for dinner. They made the food, and it was really yummy and a lot of fun! Kayden woke up this morning and said, "It's Mother's Day. Am I supposed to do anything?" I told him I wanted a hula hoop performance from him...


Kristina P. said...

Sounds like things have been going really well! I love that she gave you a hula hoop performance.

Happy Mother's Day, Alexa!

Debi said...

I love that you told Kayden to give you a hula hoop performance, did you get it? Enjoy the new phone, I can't stand either of my girls phones so better luck to you.