Wednesday, July 8, 2009

4th of July and are all last children like this?!

We went to Lagoon again this year for the 4th of July. I hope I'm not letting out a great little secret, but every time we have gone to Lagoon on a holiday (Memorial Day, Labor Day, or the 4th) we have had the best luck with lines. There are just fewer people there on holidays. And this year the weather was so nice and mild too! We spent the 3rd and 4th at Lagoon, and both days were so nice! This was the first year we didn't have to pack a stroller or a wagon. And McKay decided to join the big kid group and went on all the big coasters... and loved them! This made Anaya jealous, so we had to ride the Bat with her over and over again.

I came home with strep throat though, which was a bummer... While I was spreading strep throat to half the neighborhood, I ran into the lady that substituted for Anaya's primary class on Sunday. I asked how Anaya was on Sunday, and she told me that Anaya told her in great detail all about how I only love her and why I couldn't possible love the other kids. Oh that's great... Now, I was never a last child, and she's the first last child I've ever had... so I'm not sure if that is standard attitude for a last child, or if that's just Anaya. So naturally I go to upload some pictures from Lagoon, and I only have pictures of Anaya... so maybe she's right. I can hardly see how that can be true though because on Sunday I was enjoying sacrament meeting sitting next to one of the sweet older ladies in our ward, and a previous bishop and his wife sitting behind us, and I look down, and Anaya is dealing out face cards to McKay... she brought face cards to church. Nice. Hmmmm... so I just proof read that last paragraph and I guess I should clarify that Anaya is my FIRST and LAST last child.

Kayden is all done with drivers ed, and has 6 months and 50 hours driving with an adult, but at the current rate, he will have those 50 hours done in about one and a half months. He is VERY excited to be driving.

Taisha has been on a cooking kick (which, by the way, is not very good for the diet.) I had to take her cookbook shopping, and then as long as I keep her in ingredients, several times a week we'll have cobblers and crisps and cookies and muffins and she wants to learn how to make candies next. *sigh* I have ZERO self control when it comes to home-baked food.

And then Malia has been wanting to sew (I honestly have no idea where they are getting all these homemaker ideas from), so she has been sewing all my old shirts together. So now I have a bunch of shirts that have the arm holes sewn together and the bottoms sewn up. She keeps telling me that they would made awesome trick or treat bags (because she hasn't sewn up the neck holes yet). Maybe we'll pick up a pattern and some fabric and sew something for real.

Alrighty, did I cover all the kids, so as to not have favorites? Take that Naya.....


Debi said...

We all know that we all favor one or two:D Glad you had a good 4th and hope you are over the strep! I didn't realize your little Anaya was a gambler..!

Alana Puawai Finlayson said...

ha ha ha.. naya is so cute! that is so funny!