Monday, July 25, 2011

It's like we're playing Musical Kids!

This summer has felt different than summers in the past, and for me, it's taking some getting used to. The kids have been nice and busy doing all sorts of fun things, but it feels like we are rarely all home at the same time. It's making planning things to do as a family especially hard. Here's a quick run down of what I mean:

Malia had and AMAZING time a EFY. She was actually really sad to come home after such an uplifting experience. She's already saving to go again next year.

(Malia with Tana, her EFY counselor )

(Malia's EFY group. She was SO sad to leave them all!)

While Malia was at EFY, Anaya went to art camp and started violin lessons, McKay started piano lessons, and Kayden went up to Island Park for a student council retreat. Anaya played t-ball the month of June. Last year they named their team the "Yellow Bananas," and this year they were the "Pink Raspberries." I'm noticing a trend...

Malia got home from EFY, had a few days at home, and then left with a friend to Boise to play at the water park, and Taisha went to volleyball camp. Malia got a job at a snow shack for the summer, so whenever she was home, she was working. Malia got home from Boise, and she and Taisha packed and left for girls camp.

(Malia repelling)

(Marshmallow guns)

(Awesome group of girls!)

In between all of that, Kayden got a job renting kayaks at Rigby Lake, and he has been running, running, running. He has logged over 450 miles so far this summer. He's also been mowing lawns and has spent many days staining decks (the one he is working on now, is HUGE, and has taken over 25 hours so far.)

(St. Anthony Pioneer Day Fun Run - Kayden is #291)

(Slow day at the Yak Shack!)

While the girls were at camp, Rik and I took a quick over night trip, and Kayden started working on his assignment for student council: the 4th of July float for the parade. After many late nights, here's how it turned out:

(Kayden pogo-sticked the first hour of the parade!)

While Kayden was pogo-ing down the parade, the rest of us went to Lagoon. Once again, we lucked out, and the weather was perfect, and the lines were OUTSTANDING.

(Malia and Taisha riding the tram across Lagoon)

We got back from Lagoon, and Kayden left for California with Kristen and her family. Have I mentioned how much we like Kristen and her family?

Kayden had a BLAST! They went to the beach, the temple, and Disneyland. His first morning back, he walked up the stairs SO sad, and asked if I could just drive him back to California... and then asked where his continental breakfast was!

At some point we got the garden planted. It was beautiful. Rik had drawn up a plan on graph paper, he tilled our 50 ft x 80 ft lot until it was weed-free and fluffy, and we planted everything in perfectly straight lines, with seeds perfectly placed. Imagine my shock when I drove out and saw this:

Yep, somewhere under all those weeds are our little plants having the life choked out of them! So we've spent just about every available evening out there weeding... and weeding... and weeding.

(CRAZY amounts of weeds!)

Oddly, the kids have so much fun out there with their cousins, and they look forward to the ice cream when we get done weeding for the night.

McKay has been loving every second of Scouts, and had the opportunity to go to day camp a couple weeks ago. Even though he has been waking up anywhere from 9:00 to 11:00 in the morning, on the day of day camp, he was up and dressed at 7:00! He was so excited to shoot bb guns, hike, and do all the other fun things they had planned.

My mom sent me a link for some instructions to make crocheted headbands, and Taisha has been busy making them. She's also done snow cone/cotton candy stands in the front yard, and is babysitting A LOT.

Malia finishes drivers ed this week, and then gets to practice driving with Rik and I for the next 6 months or so. Malia and Taisha have spent a lot of time together this year, and I have loved listening to them talk and giggle together. They run together in the mornings, help each other with their babysitting jobs, and Taisha loves going to work with Malia at the snow shack. They've been going to the temple together with some of the other girls in our ward. I love seeing them becoming such great friends.

So do you see what I mean? Someone is always coming or going, or completely gone, and my house feels weird to me when people are missing. Maybe it's because whenever someone is gone, we have "The Great Bedroom Switch Around." When the girls were at camp, McKay and Anaya took over their rooms. When Kayden was gone, Taisha moved down there, and Anaya moved into Taisha's room. When Malia was at EFY, Taisha moved into Malia's room. The saddest part for me though, is knowing that this is how it is going to be years, and I'm having a hard time getting used to the idea. *pouts*

Some of the other highlights of the summer have been having Nathan and his family visit, visiting with some Canada family, fitting in a quick visit with my high school best friend (who came up for our 20 year class reunion), getting called as the Primary chorister (most favorite calling of all time), and Melanie and Trevor had their 6th baby!

Logan William Palmer
Born July 11th, 2011 at 7:42am
6 lbs 10 oz and 20 inches long

On a completely unrelated note, if you'd like to see Kayden's photo shoot for his senior picture for the yearbook, and weigh in on which one he should pick, go here.


Debi said...

I like the very first picture of Kayden and #38 too - they're all good but those 2 are my favs. How many pics did they take,sheesh!! Lindsay said they only took about 10 of her. Her 'real' senior photo shoot is yet to be done though. This was a great post, sounds like a busy summer - kids have been gone here too, I find it weird as well. Jennifer didn't mention that Kayden went to Cali with them anytime I've spoken with her. FUN for him, wasn't his the summer you guys were all going to disneyland? I love the headbands Taisha has made and I can't believe how big Anaya is getting! The garden doesn't look fun at all to me, but you now me! Glad to see you are surviving the summer, maybe things will slow down when school starts again. I still can't believe we'll have seniors! :)

Alana Puawai Finlayson said...

Love seeing Kayd with a chicka haha.. soooo cute. I can not believe he's old enough for that!!!! freak... we're getting old.. I love all your photo's of your kids.. such good kids.. Love you all!