Friday, October 21, 2011

Just keep running, runing, running... or playing volleyball!

I think this high school has one of the best cross country coaches around. They have so much fun. Malia was really apprehensive about running cross country this year, but she will tell you it was the best decision she has made, and is already looking forward to next year. Cross country is over for Malia, but Kayden still has a little bit more training to get ready for State. He's also had a great year! He's been 3rd on the team the whole season, and has done really well! Malia and I were watching him run, and she asked my how come I don't yell. I had to explain to her that I get so emotional and proud watching them run, that I literally can't yell. I'll have to work on that I guess.

The middle school volleyball season is only a month long, but it was an exhausting month for her! It was a great learning year for her, and she kept up well!

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