Wednesday, August 6, 2008

15 Years

Today is our 15 year anniversary (WooHoo we remembered this year!) Michelle tagged me a little while ago to do this.... and this seemed like the right time:

1. What is his name? Richard Reihana Finlayson
2. Who eats more? I eat more sweets, and comfort foods. Rik eats more vegetables and weird stuff that no one has tried before.
3. Who said I love you first? I did, by months...but he would write it in Maori on all his notes to me.
4. Who is taller? Rik is.
5. Who is smarter? I think we are pretty equal.... but we problem solve differently (I'm right handed and he's left handed if that gives you any idea how we think).
6. Who is more sensitive? Probably about the same.
7. Who does the laundry? This is Malia's job... but I do a ton as well, and I do all the folding...
8. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? How do you tell which side is the right? I'm not sure... but I want his side of the bed. As soon as he leaves for work, or is gone.... I slide over and sleep there... I can't seem to convince him to switch.
9. Who pays the bills? Me... I'd hand it over in a heart beat though....
10. Who cooks more? Me... Rik's not a huge fan of cooking, but has done more cooking over the last year than any other year.
11. What meals do you cook together? Omelets. With this many kids all wanting different omelets... you need about 6 hands... so Rik usually helps.
12. Who is more stubborn? We both are...
13. Who is the first to admit they're wrong? This is not a strong point for either one of us...
14. Who has more siblings? Uh... Rik... but we are both the oldest of our siblings.
15. Who wears the pants in the relationship? We both do, I just look better in them!
16. What do you like to do together? We like going out to eat and shopping.
17. Who eats more sweets? See #2.
18. His guilty pleasures? Watching UFC and playing Wordscape online.
19. How did you meet? In college in a statistics class (he was in my physics class the year before... but I was rude then....)
20. Who asked who out first? I asked him to my home ward's Christmas party...
21. Who proposed? Him (and he really took his time!)
22. Who kissed who first? We were both there...
23. His best features? I love, love, love that he is brown (he has nice legs too...)
24. His greatest quality? He is really fun (I can be kind of boring... ), and has a good heart...
25. Tag: Whoever wants to....


Jeannette said...

Happy Anniversary! I enjoy reading about your likes and dislikes and family happenings. I love the slide of the camping trip. Mountains are so awsome and what a humbling feeling it must be to view God's grandeur from so high. Way to go!

Angie said...

wow!! 15 years!! I can't believe it! I still remember the college days! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! Love the hair do on Rik. :) I also love your new background! Take Care

MOANA said...

15 years! How exciting congrats to you guys. Love the pic, you both look so young! Especially Rik! Hard to believe he is nearing 40! You both have "aged" beautifully! Lots of love,

Murdoch Clan said...

happy, happy anniversary! Crazy how time flies eh! I hope you guys did something fun for youanniversary. Patrick and I are horrible, we only celebrate it and do something really fancy every few years! Hopefully you can go out to eat and go shopping, great fun huh! Anyways, I think you guys are the greatest, have a wonderful day=) Laura

Michelle said...

Congrats on 15 years! I love that picture of you to!

Xela said...

Congrats on 15 years! Wow, where does the time go? I remember when I first met you, and both you and Rik were really into ballroom dancing. Fun times! Here's to many more happy years!