Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Well, lets see.... where should I start?

Sheesh, I hate it when I get so far behind on my blog (and everything else for that matter...)! I don't know where to start! We had a couple weeks of crazy (I mean more crazy than normal). The school carnival went really well (and thanks to my nice new Chaco shoes, I could still walk when I was done!) It was a lot of work, but it's only one week, and now I'm done with my major volunteering for the year. I'm helping in McKay's class once a week and helping with a few class parties throughout the year, but that is cake compared to the carnival. Right after the carnival though we found that a friend and neighbor died unexpectedly, and the funeral was last Thursday. It was, and still is, such a sad shock. My emotions and time have been all over the place the last few weeks. It's been kind of nice to be back into the normal madness this week (cross fingers that it stays that way for a little while!)

At the carnival, there was a photographer taking autumn pictures and making them into key chains. Malia and her friends got a picture taken:

Here's a picture of McKay when he got home from the carnival:

(If you look really closely, you can tell that I had been super busy all week... but not busy cleaning house.... Rik had it all cleaned up for me when I got home though...thank heavens!)

I should catch up on some of the stuff that happened while I was busy (so glad Rik helps me cover the bases!) Kayden had another cross country meet at Rigby Lake. He took another minute and a half off his time, which was really good, considering they were running in sand for this race.

Oooh....how fun! A "Where's Kayden" puzzle picture!

Kayden is still really enjoying cross country. He has a meet in Twin Falls on Wednesday, and then the team is camping and coming home Thursday (no school Thursday and Friday this week). They did a fun night run the other night too (the object was to get to the high school without getting caught. He made it about halfway, before getting caught.) He has gotten so tall. For a long time we were eye to eye, then he started getting taller and taller. Now I have a nice view up his nose! And here's another fun family fact: Kayden and Rik can wear the same shoes, and Malia and I can wear the same shoes. I don't know if this is some kind of family milestone that should be celebrated in some way.... anyone know?

Speaking of Malia, volleyball finished up Saturday, and she is already having volleyball withdrawals. They played glow in the dark volleyball for YW/YM tonight, and she was so excited because it has been so long since she played volleyball (like three days...) She decided to replace volleyball with joining a small singing group. They practice once a week, and have about 7 performances. She should love that (just like everything else she does.) I'm hoping we get her volleyball pictures back Wednesday, when they have their team party. Here's her school picture from this year:Kayden's pictures are lost, and I can't seem to remember to call the school and find out where they are. I'll have to get on that tomorrow I guess. McKay and Taisha had school pictures taken last week, and Anaya got hers done today.

Today I also had a fun treat: another fun trip to the dentist. I don't know what is going on in my mouth.... but I have gone years and years with very little work done on my teeth, just the occasional cavity, and all of a sudden, my teeth are falling to pieces....literally! A few months ago, every single tooth on the right side of my mouth needed work, and then I had a tooth that just fell apart for no reason! So Sunday night I was eating a fruit roll-up (yes, I was that desperate for a snack Sunday night...) and I could feel this weird spot on my teeth. Like the smarty I am, I tried to figure out how I got a pop-corn kernel stuck in my teeth, with no memory of eating popcorn (Rik had just made a bowl though... so maybe that's why I had popcorn on the brain). Then the light finally came on and I realized that my tooth fell apart! When I went to the dentist today, the hygienist said it was like someone look an itty-bitty melon baller and took a chunk out of my tooth! I repeated about 500 times in my head "Please don't need a crown!" and I think that's what made all the difference, cause it was an easy fix, and didn't require any shots! So my lesson for this little story is have lots of good treats in the house on Sundays (well, that's what I got from it anyway....)

The weirdest part of that whole dentist story is that I have had (that's the addict speaking.... STILL HAVE) a serious addiction problem to chocolate milk.... and have been downing the stuff like nobody's business. I would have thought the amount of calcium I'm drinking would help strengthen my teeth. Maybe I need to drink MORE chocolate milk... ya, that's probably it!

Sunday we did our Primary Sacrament Program, and it went really well. I'm so lucky to have awesome counselors and secretary. This was my 3rd program in this ward. (You would all be very jealous if you knew just how awesome my presidency was....)

We seem to be settling into our school routine. I have some really neat piano students this year (12 students this year!), but the year doesn't feel as crazy as it sounds (last year was definitely a little on the wild side....) McKay is making a lot of progress these days (and I haven't gouged my eyes out with a fork trying to teach him his stuff.....Yeah!) I have been using an online site to help him with his letter sounds: http://www.starfall.com/ Great Web site (as a bonus I get the "Short A" song stuck in my head for hours!)

Oh, how fun! I left you a nice little riddle on this blog post (really hoping this will work on your subconscious..... it would be so good for me!!) Always fun times on my blog.... puzzles and riddles and stuff!


Lyn said...

Does you life ever slow down? Love the pic of Malia. She is such a pretty girl. Nice action shot of Kayden! Glad things are going normal (as normal as can be:)) for you. We move next week!:) Can't wait.

Samantha said...

I always get tired just reading your blog. :) You are so amazing! i don't know how you do it! It's fun that your kids are so active and involved and I am sure will thank you later for all the effort on your part that it takes for them to be able to do it all! As for the teeth...dang! I guess it means you are a true Finlayson! :) I would bring you some chocolate milk if I was closer! (See - I was paying attention!) Thanks for the cute website - totally going to try it out with Tegan! Take care!!

Nathan and Annalee Peterson Family said...

YUMMMMM chocolate milk sounds really good. Are you pregnant? just kidding!
Nathan thought it was really funny that someone in your Bishopric had a crush on you. I don't think he realized Rik was in the Bishopric.
Thanks for keeping us entertained!

Michelle said...

So glad your carnival went good! What alot of work! I love Malia's school picture, what a beauty! Thanks so much for those yummy delicious juicy tomatoes! Yumm Yumm, I have been eating only tomatoes for my meals! Take care! Hope your sheetrock gets done soon (I am volunteering Pono for any work that you guys need help with in the basement!) No really we would love to help with whatever we can.