Friday, February 13, 2009

It's All About Moi. Moi, Moi, Moi.

Remember last year, when we were making Valentine's boxes for school, and we wanted to make Cupid, but I couldn't find a solid cream colored bag? I walked into K-Mart and they had one! It had a wedding cake on the front, but we just covered it up with a heart. Didn't he turn out cute?

Anaya had her Valentine's party on Wednesday, so Tuesday I told her we needed to write out her Valentine's. Right now her favorite word to write is MOI. She has no idea what it means (french for "me"). Those are just the letters she likes to write... and I find them all over the place... pretty much anywhere there is paper, there is the word "MOI." Which kind of cracks me up, 'cause I just keeping getting these constant reminders of her. And it is a very appropriate word for her, 'cause in her world, it's all about her. Anyway, I told Anaya she needed to write her name on her Valentine's and she said NO. She doesn't like to write her name. So she stomped out of my room, and I overheard her talking to McKay saying, "McKay, do you hate mom? I do, cause she makes me write my name all the time!" I thought "hate" was a little mean... so she didn't get to fill out her cards.

(Here are a couple of her MOI's. One is a paper that was on the fridge, and the other is my shopping list from yesterday (with MOI written backwards)... don't look at my bad hand writing... oh, and now you are probably looking at it, 'cause I told you not to...)

I was trying to get the Cupid online earlier this week, just in case anyone needed an idea, but I seem to have lost my motivation lately (like, since Christmas.) Before Christmas I was working on the basement, and moving furniture and shopping and returning things, and really busy, but since Christmas, I just haven't felt like myself. I've never had the winter blahs before. But lately I've had the motivation of a well, sheesh, I don't even have the motivation to come up with an unmotivated thing for my motivation analogy. And I've been just a little glum. My normal un-glumers don't seem to be working, so I had to try something drastic... I decided to try getting off my big tookis (I pretty sure that is french for "bigger than last year's back-side".... ya, I know, we're pretty much bilingual here) and I joined a gym (your welcome Rik, (who had some post-marathon trauma, and just barely went back to the gym, and lost 6 pounds the first week and 6 pounds the next week, and I stopped listening to him after that....) Oh, and Thank You Brett and Jill, for letting me crash your um party at the gym.) So we'll see if that does the trick.

Only a couple more Valentine's parties, a talk for sacrament meeting, and sharing time, and then there is no school on Monday! Yippee!!


Kristina P. said...

That cupid is awesome!!

Debi said...

Yes, cupid did turn out so CUTE! Anaya always makes me laugh and I think you're a bum for not joining the gum with me last month! Way to go anyway.

Debi said...

I mean GYM--when it was 2 for 1

MOANA said...

Moi thinks that cupid is super awesome! And Moi thinks that you are smart for joining a gym. Moi wishes you the best of luck with that and hopes that all of you fellas have a great V-day. Much love to you all,


Yip I see what Anayas thinking here Moi is super awesome! He, he..

JRO said...

Love the cupid. You're so creative, and I love how you write in a way that makes it so I can almost hear you say those things. So fun. Good luck with the gym - good on ya!

debzfinn said...

You must miss me...yep im sure thats it!!...Im secretly dying to get home..missing my little family and talking to u about all the fun stuff!! Im counting down...and wow..u joined a gym..thats AWESOME!! run a mile for me ya


Michelle said...

Ouch...hate is kinda harsh least she didn't call you a loser like my sweet little Mary Ella! Yeah...I have no idea where she got that one! Anyways I love the cupid, way cool, how in the heck does that little paper arm hold a bow? Hope you do good at the newleywed game tonight...or learn alot about Rik! Take care!

Holyoak Family said...

Love the cupid! So glad you are gymin it with us! We really should gang up on Jill and her love of lunges!

Anonymous said...

love the cupid, too cute

Kristina P. said...

Alexa, where have you been, my bloggy friend?