Friday, February 27, 2009

Taxolas or Blogola?

I was trying to decide if I should get everything ready to do my taxes, or blog.... In my head I was just saying, "I should really get my taxolas done this weekend for sure!" And then I had to stop myself again, because why does my head always add "-ola" to words?! For Valentine's Day Rik got me some flowers, and bought a big, tall vase to put them in (because apparently he didn't know that there is a whole cupboard full of vases...) I pulled the vase out of the dishwasher and in my head said, "Where the flaming heckola am I going to put THIS?!" I've never said "some random word + ola" out loud, just in my head talking to myself..... Very strange. Very strange indeed.

Anyway... blogging it is! Taisha's last basketball game was last night. It's almost comical to watch basketball at this stage, but she had a lot of fun, and her team and coaches were awesome!

I don't know how this happened, but here's how Taisha's Wednesday schedule has been:

2:30 - Gets picked up from school
3:00-4:00 - Gymnastics
5:00-5:30 - Piano lessons
5:30-6:30 - Basketball practice
6:30-8:30 - Volleyball practice

Basketball is over now, so she has a whole extra hour that day... so she can eat or something! It's always nice when something is done though. So track and field started up today! Kayden's never done track before, but loved cross country, so he's going to give it a try.

Speaking of Kayden, he is a cleaning/organizing pro! One of our neighbors asked him to paint some doors, and since it's still too cold to do it out in the garage (I saw an ant in my kitchen the other day (not as nice as the duck from last year), so I'm sure Spring is getting close!!!), I told him to try and clean out the storage room a little, so he could paint down there. I told him he could put some things in the unfinished bathroom, and stack everything else as compact as possible. I got home last night, and he had gone through everything, organized the tools under the stairs, hauled a bunch of stuff out to the garbage, organized the camp gear, the bathroom, and there was NOT A THING in the storage room! So I thought the bathroom had to be busting at the seams and was probably going to explode with stuff when I opened the door, but instead, he had everything neatly stacked, with an isle down the middle and everything. Wow! He did tell me we have lots of junk, and we should throw stuff out. And dang, I think I might have to pay him now.... like maybe with a cell phone... cause according to recent heated comments directed my way, he might need therapy that Malia got a cell phone before him... *sigh*

Here's McKay teaching Anaya all his kindergarten skills. This is better than the "bloody lip," and "chasing with a butter knife" incidents from earlier this week (I was so happy my cell phone went dead that night!) They either get along really good, or REALLY BAD...

It's been two whole weeks since I started going to the gym, and I don't know if it's the gym or the gym buddies, but my mood has been a lot better (I'm guessing it's the gym buddies... 'cause I'm getting no love from the tread mill!) And this week, I don't feel like I'm going to die! Yayola! Oh good grief....


Kristina P. said...

Yay, a new post!

I was thinking about my energy level since I've started exercising again, and surprisingly, I still feel tired a lot! Time to cut out sugar? Nah.

DeAnn said...

This is probably your best blogola in the last couple of weeks or so. I think the "ola" thing might be genetic as I think "oh crapola" in my head all the time. It's all I can do to not say it out loud. So sorry....

MOANA said...

Looks like you have written a great blog-ola here. Having gym buddies is a great idea, I have tried recruiting a few of those on this side and have no luck. Good for you, love the pic of the kids seated side by side sharing a book, ahhhh but then the image of them chasing one another with a butter knife made me laugh out loud. Love you, Moana

Debi said...

Well I don't think it's the gym buddies seeing as how you didn't join with me-ola last month! Whatever!

Samantha said...

Yay for blogging! Taxes shmaxes!! Always love your posts!

Lyn said...

Oh Alexa, you crack me up! I love reading your blogs almost as much as Samantha's!:) You always make me laugh:) I'm glad you went with the blogola instead on the taxolas. Good choice!

JRO said...

Reading your blogola always takes me back to the days of getting your wildly entertaining letters in jr. high and high school. I feel a little like we're pen pals again. I love it.

Alana Puawai Finlayson said...

i love reading your blog it makes me happy ha ha.. but you best be coming tomorrow miss Alexa lol... jk.. but hopefully i'll see you love ya!1

MOANA said...

I have just awarded you an award, check out my blog to know what the dish is all about, much love Moana