Sunday, March 15, 2009

It's my camera's fault.....

Well, I guess it's not my camera's fault as much as my camera battery charger's fault. That's why I haven't updated my blog. The charger has gone missing, and so I haven't been able to take pictures of anything. I asked Rik if he had seen the charger and this is what he said, "Hmm..... maybe I took it to an event because I thought the battery might die, and then I left the charger there?" I asked him if he remembered where that might be, and he said that he didn't actually remember doing that, but that sounded like something he would do. What?! So I have no idea where it is, and I ordered a new one. It should be here this week. And actually, if someone (Rik) hadn't taken 48 pictures at Taisha's last basketball game (of which 2 turned out ok), I might have been able to squeeze some more life out of the battery and could have taken some other pictures.

So for now, this is as good as it gets. I hate it when I have to do a power catch up post, because then it makes us look like we are CRAZY busy, which we are not (totally in denial... I know).

Malia was inducted into Honor Society (thanks Debi for the picture!) Kayden has the grades to be in Honor Society, he's just not a "club" person.

Taisha had a piano recital, and also played for festival. She did really well for both, and I am thrilled to not have to hear those songs again. She practiced them VERY diligently.

Kayden is running the 1 and 2 mile races in track. He was supposed to have his first track meet this weekend, but it was cancelled because there was still snow on the track. Kayden was totally bummed out.

(Note to self: Kayden could use some self-tanning lotion before the next meet.)

Kayden got a cell phone last week, and so now he's not the only person in his school that doesn't have one. Phew!

Anaya went to the kindergarten round-up, and is now SO excited for kindergarten to start up, just not the shots.

Volleyball games started on Saturday. Taisha and Malia both have games on the same days, but in different places, so I was in Blackfoot with Taisha, and Rik was in Rigby with Malia and his team.

Taisha's games ended before Malia's, so we zipped up to Rigby to watch Rik and Malia. Rik loves coaching volleyball, and I think he is really good at it.

Rik was really proud of how his team did.

I'm still waiting for that burst of energy that comes when you work out and eat good. It's Girl Scout cookie/Cadbury Mini Egg season, and I haven't had any cookies, and have had less than 10 mini eggs. I'm crying even as I type that. That's really a miracle because Rik has brought home two Sam's Club-sized bags of eggs. I think he is testing my will power.

McKay has started sounding out words and writing cute little notes everywhere. He spent all of sacrament meeting writing Star Wars words and Harry Potter spells. He is doing so good!

Taisha had to get another tooth pulled, and was so excited because the tooth fairy was going to visit her again!? Is she new here?!? The tooth fairy assigned to our house is TERRIBLE! She sometimes forgets to come entirely, or drops the money down the side of the bed and we have to search for it, and she almost NEVER has dollar bills or quarters, and has to leave nickels, pennies and dimes! I hope she gets reassigned to a different house.

It's starting to warm up a little, and we put the trampoline back up and got the kids bikes down. I can hardly wait for things to start greening up and get warm! McKay has started counting down to his birthday, and I'm looking forward to Spring break and conference weekend. Hopefully the camera is working next week, and I can get some REAL pictures.


Kristina P. said...

I am with you on the cookies. But I'd have about 100 Mini Eggs!

Love the pics!

MOANA said...

I love the doctored pics super funny!

Debi said...

NICE!!! Way to improvise on the pictures, it was a good laugh, especially since we are still sick here and I had to cancel plasma again - that's $60 YIKES!

Joe and Kristen Blakley said...

It sounds like the tooth fairy is like that everywhere. Hallie lost her tooth the fist of last week, and she just got a bunch of change last night. We told Hallie she was busy taking toothbrushes to kids in poor countries all last week and didn't get into the country until this weekend.

Samantha said...

Those pictures are so funny! My favorite is Rik's! I would say you're in denial! Sheesh!! Eat an egg deserve it! :)

Nathan and Annalee Peterson Family said...

I love the inserted pictures. Cute idea. Sounds like your having fun like always!

DeAnn said...

Only 10 eggs? As a former math major I bet you know all kinds of ways to count to 10. ("x" and "y" are freebies, aren't they?)

Mandy H said...

That is so funny, totally cracked me up! I needed a good laugh. thanks

Holyoak Family said...

Too funny with the pics.