Thursday, September 9, 2010

Odds and Ends, and Oddities

We were on our way to Soda to watch Kayden run in the Cardinal Classic last Saturday, but it was such a beautiful day (one of the few....), so we only made it as far as Lava. Kayden's cross country team stopped at Lava on their way home, so we got to catch up with Kayden there. He placed 5th on his team. He loves going to Soda to run!

(Taisha and Malia jumping off the 1st platform.)

(McKay in by the rock climbing wall. He figured out how to do back flips off the diving board this trip.)
Here's Malia's school volleyball picture from this year. Her team is still undefeated (they've played three schools so far), and she is LOVING playing.


So we have this awesome little birds nest in our front yard:

This would be even more awesome if it wasn't in my wreath on my front door.... How lazy is that bird???

(The nest is on the back side of the wreath on the top left hand side.)

So I'd like to introduce you to Taisha's pet wasp:

He lives in this box. I'd take a better picture, but duh... it's a wasp. I'm not opening the box. We think it's a "he" because he hasn't stung anyone yet, and according to the research Taisha and her friend have done, boy wasps don't sting. They feed it chicken nuggets and cheese... ya, I know.

Things at work are still going pretty good, and I think I'm becoming more familiar with everything and everyone. I did try (unsuccessfully) to remove a photocopied staple from a piece of paper though and I think I sound like a dork over the intercom.....


So my garden froze over the weekend. I hadn't even been watching for freeze warnings yet because it's only the first part of September for crying out loud. This summer has been short, cool, and wet. The peas, carrots, potatoes, corn, squash, onions and beans did great. The tomatoes (only got 2 big bowls full) and cucumbers (only 1 made it to full grown before the freeze) did not do so great this year. No critters ate anything though.

1 comment:

Debi said...

I wondered why we didn't see you at the meet. Kenna said she saw you at Lava, which was our destination on the way home when Jace had a little accident - we cleaned him up and then decided it was WAY TOO crowded - so we stopped in Poky at ross park pool instead - yeah it was boring!