Sunday, October 3, 2010

Homecoming 2010

We have had such a nice weekend! The weather has been absolutely beautiful, and it was conference weekend!! It was also homecoming for the high school. A few weeks ago Kayden asked Sidney Acor to the dance using a pinata, and she answered back with a stuffed frog wearing a prince crown (can't quite remember the details of all that....) After some fine tuning, the boys worked out a plan for the date (it needed fine tuning because the group started out as 22 couples.... that may have been a tad too big!) After the morning session of general conference 9 of the couples went hiking at Cress Creek, then they came home and the boys went to the priesthood session of conference (looking especially sharp in their tuxedos.) Then they picked up their dates, had pictures, ate dinner, went to the dance, and came back to my house for games. Kayden arranged to pick his date up in a Hummer... he was THRILLED!

The morning of the dance, Kayden and his date Sidney were on the front page of the sports section of the newspaper together, because they both had great runs at their cross country meet. Kayden got 17:50.... a new personal record! It was nice of their coach to mention them.


PS: I just thought I would mention that I made some more green plum jam, only this time I did 5 parts plums to 1 part raspberries, and it looks about a million times better... like edible and everything!

1 comment:

Debi said...

Cute photos of Kayden! Hope he had a good time, Lindsay had a blast on her date! I still can't believe I'm even old enough to have a child dating, freaks me out a bit!