Friday, February 11, 2011

Good-bye January!!

So I've decided I'm not a huge fan of January. It's long. It's cold. It's dark. It's gray. It sounds SO far from spring and the end of school and longer days. So I just don't like it. But now we're in February, and for whatever reason, it just sounds better.

Kayden had his first track meet of the year (indoors in Pocatello), and just hearing the words "track meet," made me think SPRING!! But then I asked Kayden why my snow shovels are always in the back of his car, and he said that they have to shovel off the track just about every time they go to run.... My happy spring thoughts went right out the window. He's running in the Simplot games next weekend (also indoors.) He and his friend run almost everyday outside, and they tie bandannas around their faces, I guess so their lungs don't freeze.


The other day I was taking the car-pool girls to dance, and they were talking about how much they miss their bikes, and shorts, and short-sleeved shirts.... then they got giggling (or in Anaya's case, laughing uncontrollably.) Anaya told her friends that her teacher says that she is supposed to laugh like this: "Hee hee hee," and then STOP! Such a good teacher... but clearly not the best fit for Anaya. And apparently she is not aware of Anaya's New Year's resolution.

Speaking of New Year's resolutions, McKay still falls asleep to Christmas music every night. =)


A couple Sunday's ago Anaya and McKay were feeling cute before church, and asked to have their picture taken:


Yesterday (February the 10th) was the 100th day of school, or what I like to call, "67 DAYS UNTIL THE END OF SCHOOL!!!!" Anaya had to bring a poster board displaying 100 things. Anaya decided on 100 googly eyes. Just like I'm not too fond of January, Anaya is not too fond of me helping her do anything... this project included. Here's how it went down:

Me: Here's some poster board and the eyes. You should start-
Anaya: I know! I know! My teacher told me. Don't help me!
Me: *sighs* and waits until she has the eyes all counted out in groups of ten, then plugs the glue gun in.
Anaya: I can glue them on myself! Don't help me!!
Me: Unplugs the glue gun and gets the Elmer's glue out. Do you want me to put the glue on and then you put the eyes on?
Anaya: No!! Don't help me!
Me: *sighs* I'll go type up the numbers while you glue on the eyes, then you can glue the numbers by the groups of ten.
Anaya: NO!! I'm going to write the numbers on!!
Me: It will look better printed on the computer, and you'll be able to see them better, because the poster board is black.
Anaya: I can do it myself.
Me: ........
Anaya: Glues eyes on, and writes the numbers with a white crayon.
Me: Let's print up a paper that says "100 Silly Eyes Looking at YOU!"
Anaya: I can type it myself!!
She then types up the page, but asks me how to make exclamation points, so I show her on her page, which makes her mad because I was just supposed to TELL her, not SHOW her...
Me: Write your name right here along the bottom edge.
Anaya: I KNOW! I can do it myself. And them writes her name on a different edge of the paper than I suggested.... *sigh*


Britney said...

On the way home today Anaya said, "some of the eyes fell off my poster." To which Taisha replied, "that's because you didn't let mom help you." That's funny. :) Only because I completely understand...I too have a very independent 6 year old living with me!

Debi said...

So cute! She is growing up so quickly, I still remember when you didn't celebrate her 1st birthday because she wouldn't even know!! Too bad they can't stay little forever!

Nathan and Annalee Peterson Family said...

Anaya sounds a lot like Rylee....they must be the same age. :)
I love the silly eyes idea. She did an awesome job. We might have to borrow it. Is that okay? Our 100 days is next week, I think. Everything is scattered in my brain now days. :)