Monday, May 9, 2011

Prom, Mother's Day, and What the??!!

As part of our "PARTY EVERY WEEKEND" philosophy, Commencement was on May 7th. Kayden was SO excited to be going with Kristen. They were going with 12 other couples, so a huge group! The boys were hoping for some good weather for the day date, but the night before the dance, decided they'd better come up with a plan B, because the weather looked windy and wet. They decided on a scavenger hunt. I told them about the photo scavenger hunt that I had done for Malia's birthday a couple times, and they decided to go with that (it was late, and they were out of ideas... ) I altered it a little bit (since they were driving), and printed it up. They decided to meet at my house at 1:00 on Saturday.

Kristen 's little brother was being baptized the same morning as the dance, so Kayden went with Kristen to that, and to the luncheon afterward. All of the couples started showing up at my house for the day date, except Kayden and Kristen. After waiting for a while, I finally just decided to send everyone else on the scavenger hunt. After I got all the other kids out, Kayden showed up.... only with no Kristen! It turns out that the alterations she had done on her dress didn't turn out the way they had hoped, so she and her mom were looking for another dress!! Funny thing about the scavenger hunt.... I thought I was being so clever when I put "Photo with a street sign named after a president of the United States," on the list. I completely forgot that I live on the corner of "John Adams!" That wasn't nearly as hard as I had hoped, and all the kids had photos of the sign in my yard (CLEARLY I need more sleep!)

Kristen looked absolutely stunning in her dress, and it matched the tux and vest that Kayden had rented for the first dress!

I only got a few pictures of Kayden and Kristen, and they were in the middle of the night, after the dance, after walking through the rain, and after dessert at my house... and still looking good!


I got to sleep in on Mother's Day. This was the best present! All day long though, the kids did little things for me. Kayden cleaned up breakfast and loaded up the dishwasher (he loaded the dirty dishes into a dishwasher full of clean dishes.... but it's the thought that counts, right?), Malia cleaned up the kitchen after dinner, Taisha got everyone and everything ready for church in the morning, McKay found all my hymns in the hymn book for me during Sacrament meeting, and Anaya decided to have beautifully polished nails to celebrate Mother's Day (ya, I know....)

In primary, the primary kids filled out questionnaires about their moms. McKay and Anaya did a really good job getting things right. McKay said that my favorite food is corn on the cob, and Anaya said Chinese food... both true! McKay said that I taught him to count by 3's, and Anaya said that I taught her to tie her shoes. Anaya said that my favorite thing to do was play the piano, and McKay said to SLEEP! This is Anaya's drawing of me:

And this is McKay's drawing of me (he put his on the back, instead of the front):

Bahahahah!! This made my whole day. This is actually how I have felt I've looked the last few weeks... huge forced smile, sleep deprived eyes, and all tinged with just a little bit of CRAZY!

When I went to get the Commencement pictures off my camera, these pictures were on there:

Ya, I have no idea.... but it looks like "crazy" is catchy at our house!

1 comment:

Debi said...

Kristen's dress is gorgeous, I'll have to ask her where she ended up finding it! Lucky, she was able to find the same color! Sounds like your kids treated you well for Mother's Day, that's awesome! Funny about Kayden loading dirty dishes in with the clean ones, I swear Kenna does that a lot just because she doesn't feel like unloading it first! :)