Thursday, July 12, 2012

And Just Like That Kayden Graduates!

So VERY, VERY proud of him..... and can't believe how fast time has gone!  By this time next year (July 2013), he will have one year of college behind him, and will have been on his mission for a few months.  *Sniff*

(He thought it would be funny to have his seminary graduation pictures taken like a mug shot....)

(So blurry..... oops!)

Kayden was awarded a 1/2 tuition for BYU-I (he's going to Provo though), and also was awarded the Outstanding Academic Athlete Award for his school.  That's what he is getting in the blurry picture below:

Graduation Night

He is such a good kid!  He's been working hard this summer, and is SO ready to head off to college.  He's even volunteered to paint his room, so it's all ready for Taisha to move into when he leaves.  I'm not quite there yet......


Debi said...

I don't know how I missed this post yesterday - they sure grew up fast! I thought I would be really teary on graduation night but I held up pretty well! Kayden is a great kid and you and Rik and done a fantastic job raising him, he will do well!!

Debi said...

***have done (sheesh)