Friday, April 11, 2008

Oh baby x 2!

Here's some pictures of Kawiti and Teryn's baby. I'm so excited to have some more boys in the family! Love all these babies (and that someone else is having them....)

His name is Coriantumr. Kawiti and Teryn have some more pictures here.


Lyn said...

How cute! Thanks for sharing. I think he looks Kawiti. I bet they are so exceited to finally have him here.

Nathan and Annalee Peterson Family said...

Cute pictures! I wish the boys would spread some more on the Peterson side. Hey, at least some of you can make boys. Hopefully only 7 more weeks and Nathan will be coming home! HOORAY!

Xela said...

I agree, I think he looks a lot like kawiti! So CUTE!!!