Thursday, April 24, 2008


It's getting late (*yawn), but I thought I would blog some calendar events. May is always packed full of stuff. Feel free to come to whatever you can!

May 2nd - Taisha's gymnastics performance - 6:00pm at Ammon Elementary School
May 3rd - Final Ballroom performance 7:00pm at the Kirkham building on BYU-I campus
May 6th - Release date for "The Host" by Stephenie Meyer.... only posting this so you'll know not to come to the house for a few days...and no blogging, dinner, laundry etc...

Volleyball for Taisha:
April 26th @ 12:00pm at Clair E Gale Jr. High (IF)
May 3rd @ 8:00am at Sugar/Salem High School (Past Rexburg)

Volleyball for Malia:
April 26th @ 8:00am at Madison Middle School (Rexburg)
May 10th @ 8:00am at Bonneville High School (IF)

May 28th - Malia's birthday
May 29th - Last day of school!!
June 14th - Teton Dam Marathon (Rik's running.... I'm cheering)

Last week was crazy... in fact, it's amazing I'm not still stuck in last week, trying to get everything done! But this week has been much nicer. For Malia and Kayden's ballroom performance I am looking for a couple pirate costumes (they are dancing to "A Pirates Life For Me"). I remembered buying a pirate costume really cheap after Halloween this year, but couldn't remember what size it was. When I pulled it out it was too little for Kayden or Malia, but Anaya LOVED it!

If anyone has a bigger costume or two that I could borrow (or just a part of the costume... hat, eye patch, white fluffy shirt or vest etc....) would you please get a hold of me?

My favorite part of today was babysitting twin babies for a few hours this afternoon for my neighbor down the street. It was so fun! Anaya and McKay were excited because one was a boy and one a girl.

My "baby arms" are all gone though.... so my arms are actually stiff and sore from holding them all afternoon (oh, so sad....but totally worth it...I hope she calls me again!)

I have blogged this before, but good grief, it snowed again today... sheesh


Samantha said...

Holy smokes lady - I don't know how you do it all!! Sounds like CRAZY fun!! :) Good luck!

Lyn said...

Do you ever relax or sleep! Honestly girl! Good luck with all of your kids' activeaties. Try to have some time for yourself in there. Tell Rik good luck! June 14 is an awesome day!(my birthday:))

MOANA said...

I loved the pic of your cuties holding the little babies! Super cute! I am sure that we are related some how to Taishas coach especially if he/she is from Rigby. Bills grandfather was the 17th child of 17 kids and so we have tons and tons of relatives. Its just a question of which of the 17 he is from!! Yipee its the weekend!