Sunday, June 15, 2008

WooHoo Rik!

My inner blogger is having a hard time getting into the summer groove so far. With Rik and the kids home full time, I don't have much access to the computer, and I'm still working out my day to day routine! So I'm going to do another power post to catch up on the first couple weeks of summer break.

Malia has already completed two volleyball camps since school let out! The first one was really awesome. She learned a lot. The second one was also a lot of fun, but there were so many girls that there was no way to get the one on one technical help like she got during the first camp. Taisha also did the second vollyball camp and loved going. Baseball games run on Mondays and Wednesdays for both Malia and Taisha.... we've had games cancelled because of rain and even had a SNOW day!! Can you believe that! The wind has blown for every game. I seem to have wind blown bad hair just about everyday!

Rik is changing jobs, so his last day at Docutech was Friday May 30th. He doesn't start his new job until the middle of July. He'll be working for Insei. He is still doing some contract work for Docutech, and would like more contract work to do on the side. I wasn't sure what to expect having the whole family home every single day all day long..... but so far, there hasn't been a single day like that. Everyone is in and out and running every direction, which is good, because that makes it less likely that I will go crazy or something like that.

Speaking of Rik, he ran his marathon and survived it! I was really proud watching him run through the finish line. This was his first marathon he has ever run, and the Teton Dam race is a hard marathon. He ran all 26 or so miles in 4 hours and 20 minutes. He has trained the last 14 weeks for this race, and he says it is the hardest thing he has ever done. We're still waiting for the official results to be put on the web site, but we think he got 6th for his age division, and 85th out of about 183 full marathon runners. Hopefully they get his exact time and placement up on the results page tomorrow. Rik told us to be in Rexburg by 10:30 because we wanted to cheer him on, but I wasn't really sure where I was going so we left extra early to get there.... only we didn't know that they were re-doing the road from Rigby to Rexburg (although... that road was horrible... so about time!!), and there was this huge air show in Rexburg that day, so the traffic was terrible. It took 15 or 20 minutes just to exit off the freeway to get into Rexburg. I was sure we missed Rik running through the finish line, and was really disappointed. We found the park, and ran to the finish line right as Rik was running through. We had made signs to wave at him, but didn't even have time to pull them out! Everyone has been asking Rik if he will run another marathon. I think this is a little like asking a woman who had minutes before given birth, if she is going to have another baby..... Maybe ask him again in a few months. Kayden was asking Rik if they could run it together next year.... For now, this video will show you a little how Rik has felt today (only he did tape up really good before the marathon, so no bleeding!):

While we were at the park the kids took turns climbing the rock climbing wall. Taisha and Kayden climbed as quick as they could to the very top and rang the bell, and Malia tried... but she doesn't do so good with heights.... so she got part way up, her hands started sweating, and her whole body trembled (visibly.... even from my line of vision) and she decided to get down on solid ground....

Anaya had a bad sleep the other night, and was up and down and fussy all night. I don't have very many nights like that anymore, and my body didn't like that too much. The next morning I was asking Anaya why she was up and crying the last night, and without hesitating, and in her "duh mom, you should just know this stuff" voice, she said, "I had nose hiccups all night!" There are just some comments that totally take me off guard.... and crack me up. Anaya turns 4 in August, and I really don't know what I am going to do when I don't have life through the perspective of a 3 year old keeping me laughing.

Today we got up early and drove to Soda for two baby blessings. Ana and Dave, and Pono and Michelle both blessed their babies in Soda. It was so fun to go and see the babies and the family... and holy smokes the food was yummy!! I didn't get any pictures, but I saw lots of cameras snapping away, so I'll try to steal some pictures and get them posted. I was so glad things worked out so we could go! (Thanks for all the know who you are!)

We took our primary kids to the Idaho Falls Temple Visitor's Center for an activity last week. The visitor's center was recently renovated, and is beautiful on the inside.

I took one week off, and last week started back up with my summer piano students. I would really like to try and get Kayden's eagle project done over the next month, and hopefully we can get the basement all done while Rik is home as well, or at least the kids bedrooms. Quinn, Rik's brother, moved in today for a few weeks. I think we are trying to see how many people we can fit into the house before I crack... hehe.


Lyn said...

Wow! You've been busy so far! Great job Rik! I had a heart attack just thinking of running 26 miles. Very proud of you! Stop in the store once in awhile would ya. Would love to tell you about the house we are building. Take care!

Murdoch Clan said...

That's so awesome Rik! I'm seriously going to run a marathon....someday! Just not right now...anyways Lex your summer sounds like a lot of FUN! Your life is always busy and I admire all of the family activities you guys do, your kids are amazing, it was so great to see you guys! Tell Naya I hate it when that happens and you get those darn Nose hiccups (whatever in the heck those are)! Take care! Laura

Xela said...

Hurray for you Rik! We are so proud of you! What an accomplishment! I bet you feel so great! Love the video you posted it just cracked me up! :)