Friday, May 1, 2009

Gymnastic Recital

Taisha had her gymnastics recital the other night. The picture with her teacher in it is Taisha back hand springing. She has the last of her volleyball games tomorrow. I'm kind of getting excited that things are winding down. There's still a huge list of things to get through, but now that it's May 1st, the end is definitely in sight! Yippee!

When I can, I've been trying to get some reading in. I finished the Rangers Apprentice series (had to get the last books from over seas, since they don't have them in the States yet...totally worth it! I LOVE this series!) I also finished the City of Ember books. The last book was the best, and I kind of had a hard time getting through the other three. I had struggled understanding their (the people of Ember, the Builders, the people of Sparks, the people of Yonwood, etc;) thinking through most of the books. The Yonwood book was my least favorite. After that I read City of Bones, City of Ashes, and City of Glass. I really enjoyed these books! They are rated PG-13 in my opinion though, just a little language and a few innuendos. I started on the 4th Fablehaven book today (I love that series). Another book that I read a little while ago was Graceling, another PG-13 book. The language is just fine, but there is just one little side story that makes it PG-13 in my opinion. I really enjoyed it though, and I'm looking forward to the next one coming out (not as much as the next Hunger Games though... I will be standing in line for that's still one of the best books I've read in a while... ) My PG-13 isn't as bad as the movies PG-13, there seems to be a lot of filth, crude jokes and skin in PG-13 movies, and the books aren't like that, but they aren't like Princess Academy or Goose Girl (if you've read those, you know what I'm talking about.) Kayden thinks I should read Percy Jackson and the Olympians next, because I told him I like mythology, and they look like they'd be a quick read. Rik just finished the Land of Elyon series, and he liked them a lot (I think mostly because the main character is named "Alexa.") Kayden read those as well. Kayden just read the two 13th Reality books that are out, and he read those really fast... so they must be good. I buy most of my books, so if you need something to read, stop over and borrow a few.


Kristina P. said...

Taisha looks great!

Debi said...

I like how you put "in my opinion" about the books! AND you've been reading a ton! Cute pics of Taisha! I'm glad are getting over too, although I wish they would start a new year right away - it just throws my schedule off :D

Debi said...

Things, things are getting over :D

Samantha said...

Gymnastics looks fun! Holy reading batman! I haven't read a darn thing in months. I need to grab some of those books I think!

Mandy H said...

Wow those girls are so flexible! You are reading a lot great for you, I love the escape books give us.