Thursday, May 14, 2009

You knew it was coming....

McKay's tooth came out last night... and this was the best picture I could get. He was trying to show off his toothlessness, and so smiling his normal smile was out of the question. It's a good thing the tooth fairy is a little flabby around the middle, because when she got up to go to the gym this morning, she remembered to get that tooth and leave some money!! (That is the ONLY time you will hear that being flabby around the middle is a good thing....)

McKay also had another t-ball practice yesterday. This time I got to stay and watch (last week I had kids at the dentist.) He is so funny to watch. He acts like this is Jedi training, only he's wearing a mitt. When the ball comes to him, he moves out of the way, drops down to the ground, rolls, picks up the ball, and throws it back. The ball could come right at his feet, and he still moves over, drops to the ground and rolls. We might have to work on that... or record it. ☺


Kristina P. said...

He looks great! Hope the tooth fairy makes him rich!

Lyn said...

Welcome to the lost tooth club McKay! Bradyn was so excited and pleased when he lost his first tooth. Congratulations!

debzfinn said...

LOVE his hair!!..and he looks excited to get his 20 bucks from the tooth fairy!