Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Kindergarten Graduation

McKay graduated from Kindergarten today! He told me to bring a zillion treats to school today for after graduation.... I brought 2 dozen, which he said was ok. He's so excited for summer and warm and friends. I'm very proud of what he accomplished this year!


MOANA said...

Congrats to you McKay I am so happy and proud of you, hooray now Summer can officially begin!

Samantha said...

How cute is he? I love that they do preschool and kindergarten graduations there. They don't do that here. Bah!

debzfinn said...

awhhh congrats mckay!!!loved the pics

JRO said...

Congratulations to all your graduating kids... and as I say that, I'm trying not to let my jealousy show, seeing as we're still a month away from school being out.