Monday, May 17, 2010

The Difference Between Boys and Girls

So the big dance came and went, and I think Kayden had a lot of fun. It was a busy day for all of us, but over all went good. We ended up feeding them dinner at our house. Notice the good group picture I got... somehow I managed to get 1/2 of Kayden's head, and missed his date completely. Just another one of those "good mom moments."

So with all this boy/girl stuff going on, I've been noticing how different boys and girls are. It's especially apparent with my two youngest kids. McKay and Anaya are 16 months apart in age, are a year apart in school, have been parented almost identically, but are so totally different from each other. For instance, yesterday while getting everyone ready for church, I had to tell McKay that no, he couldn't take his G.I. Joe guys and guns to church. Nope, not even if he made the gun noises quietly. A few minutes later I had to convince Anaya that no, she couldn't wear her play high heels to church. Nope, not even if they matched her pink church dress. A couple weeks ago I had Anaya and McKay sitting by me drawing. Anaya was drawing a princess with puffy sleeves and a beautiful dress, rainbows and flowers. McKay, on the other hand, was drawing a robot that ate an alien (you could see the alien in the robot's stomach), and a speech bubble that said "BURP!" next to the robot. And you know how McKay wrote me stories about camping with attack skeleton dogs? Well, Anaya wrote me a story entitled, "I Want Hi Heels." Here's her story (by the way, it was homework and had to be turned in...): "I like pritty shoes. I want pink hi heels. I hope my mom gets me hi heels cuz I like hi heels so much. The End." Anaya tends to socialize too much with her neighbors at school, and McKay gets in trouble for making noises with his arm pits (apparently that's distracting...) Yep, boys and girls are so different!

Kayden came home the other day and told me that girls are dumb. He's discovering that girls are more emotional and sensitive than boys. Then he looked at me and said, "Oh, except for you mom." So I guess he's kind of learning...

1 comment:

MOANA said...

I love your parenting perspectives, I laughed so hard at your boy vs girls piece especially! I love reading your perspective you always make me smile. Hope you have a great day! Moana