Monday, February 18, 2008

9/11 Literature project

So we got Kayden's literature project done, and I think it looks really cool. Kayden was supposed to take an event from American History and make some kind of a representation (I have no idea why he's doing this in Literature class... instead of history). He decided to do 9/11. We started with the idea that we wanted to make the WTC buildings white, and then the idea changed to making the WTC buildings look like they were angels in heaven, so the buildings have halos and angel wings, and Kayden covered the base with batting to look like clouds.

Rik and the older kids are snow boarding at Kelly Canyon today, then they are coming home and everyone is going swimming. Fun day!

McKay woke up this morning not feeling too good (also could be read: really grouchy!) But he's perked up a little this afternoon.


MOANA said...

I am so excited that you have taken the plunge and made a blog for your family,you always have amazing projects and stories to share!! I have already added your blog to mine!!! I am so excited to see a glimpse into you fellas lives! PS Kayden this project is super awesome! I can see that you really thought about the imagery and made an amazing tribute to the lives that were lost and changed from 9/11. You are an amazing young man and I am impressed with your project!

Samantha said...

Ditto to Moana's post! LOVE the project and am touched by the thoughtfulness that went into it! Hope McKay is feeling better! Love ya!