Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Kayden 2008

The school found Kayden's pictures (naturally, last week I took the time to call the school, the local photography office, and then the national office to track down his pictures, and they decided to send me some new pictures.... and NOW they find his pictures....)

All the sheet rock is up, and the sheet rock man is coming back tomorrow to start mudding the place! I had to use all my self-control so I wouldn't keep running downstairs to see how much was done every five minutes while he was working today. I'm pretty sure I would have driven him crazy squealing with joy every few minutes... so I had to leave the house most of the afternoon. That was ok too, except that when I left the house it was kind of warm (like capris and t-shirt weather), and when I came home it was long pants and sweater weather. It got cold and windy just all of a sudden.... might even be snow by the end of the week (but I won't even care because I might be PAINTING!!) (Well maybe I'll complain just a little bit...)


Murdoch Clan said...

I've always thought Kayden was so gosh darn handsome! I can actually see a little bit of his daddy in that pic.... through the eyes. Anyways, I can just see you in my head running down stairs every few minutes to see the progress done. You've been wanting this done for ever! So glad the day is here! Good luck with the painting though... I find it very enjoyable but Patrick always races through it as fast as possible... and it's not to my liking. Anyways, take care! Laura

Michelle said...

Whooohoo! I can't imagine how excited you must be to have some more space...If I could just do something about this apartment...

debzfinn said...

what a handsome stud.....