Sunday, March 16, 2008

I think ballroom is making me sick!

So I thought I would tell you what we've been up to the last couple days. Thursday middle of the night I started running a fever and had a terrible sore throat... turns out I have strep throat. I've been on an antibiotic for about 24 hours now, so I'm feeling a little better (a lot better than yesterday.... but not as good as Tuesday). I have been totally wiped out! I usually get strep throat if I'm run down or stressed out, and I haven't been feeling run down or stressed out, I mean any more than usual.....

My mom is trying to one up me. You know a few posts ago when I was all excited about the duck swimming in the church parking lot? Well, on Thursday my mom had a moose in her back yard! Sheesh, makes the duck look kind of silly. She didn't get any pictures though.... so it's her word against mine... well, and the fish and game people who had to come and tranquilize the moose and haul it off, and the neighbors who saw the whole thing.....

This was a bad week for working on the basement. FHE and swimming Monday, meetings all night Tuesday, Relief Society dinner Wednesday, Junior High open house and tour for Malia (she was beyond excited.....) Thursday (I had to work, so Rik took her), and Friday night, I was still down, so Rik had to run the upstairs for me instead of the downstairs. He did get some work done on Saturday though, in between going to the temple, training for his marathon (he ran 9 miles on Saturday), doing all my grocery shopping (which means we have corn nuts instead of licorice, and pickles instead of Cadbury eggs), cleaning house, running the kids to a ballroom performance... hey, I think Rik should have strep throat, he clearly should be more run down and stressed out than me!

Speaking of Ballroom, Malia and Kayden were performing at the Green and Gold Banquet yesterday (Saturday night), and I was planning on making a conscious effort to remember the camera AND the battery AND the memory card (I've been getting 2 out of 3 the last few times I've tried to record them dancing....) and once again, I am not feeling good enough to even go, I barely got Malia's hair and make-up done. I think I might be jinxed. But for the record, I think I would rather forget the memory card, than have strep throat or the flu....

So now I just have to catch up (Hmmm.... or take a nap). Malia did her best to keep up on the laudry, but there is still a mountain! I really need to get my Easter stuff together... I should get on that Monday (1/2 day of school tomorrow.... so I have babysitters!)


Samantha said...

Oh MAN!! Hope you feel better soon!! (If for no other reason then to re-stock the cadbury eggs!) :)

Lyn said...

Hope you are feeling better. And I hope you didn't have it too bad when I saw you at the store:) Just kidding I love seeing you when I can. If you need anything just call.

MOANA said...

Sorry your sick!! Hope you get better soon!

Xela said...

Bummer! Feel better soon and good luck to Rik on training for the Marathon! That is a huge commitment!

Anonymous said...

Oh sicky, that is no fun. Feel better soon, wish moms could have a day off!! We need it.