Sunday, March 9, 2008

WooHoo! Survived another Sunday!

The young women leaders gave me a picture of Malia from New Beginnings, so I thought I would post it. We have a tiny group of girls, but they are all really nice! Malia can hardly wait.

Volleyball games started up this weekend, so Taisha and Malia had games most of Saturday. Rik is coaching Malia's team again this year. Despite all the games, Rik was still able to get some framing done down in the basement. He and my dad got the closet walls built. The bulk of the framing is done now, but there are still some odds and ends to get done this week. Hopefully we can get started on the electrical by the end of this week. I am so excited to have it finished. I really love all my kids, but for their sanity and mine (alright, more mine than theirs...), I need the kids more spread out. There just seems to be too many people and too much stuff too close together.

Sunday was a little crazy, but is there any other kind of Sunday? We made it to church 15 minutes early, and that was with the time change... unfortunately there weren't many others there. We were missing people all over the place in primary today. I guess that's just how it goes some weeks.

My computer died this weekend. The hard drive is ok (thank heavens... I would have been really, really grouchy if I lost all the pictures and data I had on there... I was just a little grouchy to have to transfer things over!), but I think the motherboard had had enough, and stopped working right in the middle of Kayden's Power Point project for school. I'm pretty sure school projects killed the computer.

I tried to take a nap today after church, before we had to get to choir, but that just didn't go too good for me. My kids were playing some "I'm a Robot" game. I'm not exactly sure how you play, but I think there is a rule that you have to run all through the house yelling..... not my favorite game. I tried to convince them to sit down and watch TV (because I'm a good mom), but no one was too interested in that idea.

Kindergarten round-up tomorrow morning, I'll try to get a picture of McKay. It was beautiful here today... I'm hoping for the same tomorrow!


The Holcombs said...

I agree! I feel like we should get an award for surviving primary each week. The rest of the day is ok with me. I was the only one from the presidency there at the beginning of primary and was a little freaked out. They showed up late too because of the time change. We make it through it each week though...somehow

MOANA said...

Whew, busy day for you! Malia your so gorgeous! How fun, new beginnings and YW in May, awesome!