Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

I just got up from a nice nap, and the kitchen is all clean (is there anything better than a kitchen that gets cleaned while you are sleeping!?) We had battery problems today though.... so not too many Easter pictures (probably better that way... the house has been in "Sunday Mess Mode" all day today). The kids were all dressed for church, and I pulled the camera out, got one picture of Anaya, and one of all the kids, and then the batteries went dead. I was just looking through my memory card though, and I think I know why.... exactly 48 pictures that Anaya took of the stairs. We also didn't have batteries on hand for the two little toys that McKay and Anaya got, and the Wii batteries in both controllers went dead! I think I will have to spend a small fortune to stock my batteries back up tomorrow!

Fun Easter weekend though! Rik ran 12 miles (well that part doesn't sound that fun) yesterday morning (marathon in June), and then came home and worked on the basement with my dad. I ran the kids to an Easter egg hunt, and then ran and ran and ran (um... not like Rik's running though!) I was gathering parts for Rik's car, getting last minute Easter things rounded up, and odds and ends done. I ended up stringing the house again this year (so fun!) and hid a ton of eggs all through the house (we'll be finding them for weeks.) We decorated eggs this afternoon (thank heavens for Magic Erasers!) and played games. My mom and dad, and Chad and his kids came over for dinner (and brought lemon cream cake like the one at Olive Garden... so yummy!)

Kayden was set apart as the 1st counselor in the deacons quorum today (for the whole month that he has left in there....he turns 14 in April). He also came home with a picture of his first attempt at cake decorating. Looks yummy huh? One of the young women leaders tried to fix it, and it came home looking a little more edible than in the picture.

The kids have Spring break this week.... woohoo! No homework for a week! The weather has improved and the snow is almost gone. We got the trampoline back up and pumped up all the kids bike tires.

Hmm.... I might have to go find me another peice of cake, and sit and read a few chapters of Tunnels (my free book from working at the school book fair last week.)


Lyn said...

Sounds like you had a good Easter. Can't believe how big your kids are getting! When did Rik start running? Wish I had his willingness to be that healthy.

Samantha said...

How you got your kids all cute and ready in time for a picture before church seriously blows my mind! :) You are such an amazing mom, I don't know how you do it all! Glad you had a happy Easter! We are totally going to do the string thing next year, sounds like a blast!!

MOANA said...

Sounds like a fun time at your house!!Rik is such a huge inspiration to me, 12 miles thats so wonderful!! in my day dreams I imagine myself getting heathly and fit enough to run half marathons and such, go Rik go!!Glad you guys had a great Easter, love you all,

Anonymous said...

Great shot of the kids. Glad Easter was so nice. And Go Rik!! Keep it up.