Monday, March 3, 2008

The highs and lows of Sunday

So here's the highlights (and lowlights) of Sunday:

High: During testimony meeting, a man got up and praised the primary after he brought his boys for the first time last week, and his boys loved it.

Low: Lost a Sunbeam. We didn't know he was missing until after church, when his mom was trying to find him. We have two sunbeam classes, and each teacher thought he was with the other class. When we dismissed them for classes, he wandered away from his class, wandered around the church, and finally ended up sitting on the couch in the lobby... He wasn't upset or scared (I don't think he knew he was lost)... his mom on the other hand....

High: Going to Karissa's baby blessing.

Low: Apparently my kids have a 3 hour church limit... even my older kids were restless through the 2nd Sacrament meeting.

High: I finished reading Shannon Hale's book "The Book of a Thousand Days." (And I didn't have to stay up all night reading.) I really enjoyed it!

Low: I spent all day reading.... I really had a lot of other things that I should have done... Nothing like starting Monday backwards.

High: Everybody was healthy, and went to church.

Low: Kayden said on the way home from Chad and Karissa's baby blessing lunch, "I have a persuasive paper due tomorrow. What do you think I should write on?" errr... didn't even have a topic picked out... that's never a good thing!

High: Two bags of Cadbury Mini Eggs and 5 boxes of Samoas Girl Scout cookies in the house.

Low: The kids said that no, we can't eat Mini Eggs and Samoas for dinner.... and sheesh with 7 people in the house you have to be fast... treats disappear around here when you're not looking.

Tomorrow is March 4th... the only calendar date that tells you to do something (March Forth!) We are doing a primary party with a "March Forth" theme. Cupcake march, obstacle course, goal writing (on footprints), relay races. There are lots of scriptures with "go forth" in them, so we're talking about those too. It should be fun (it could be adapted for a family night too.... you could have trail mix for snacks, or shoe string licorice). So happy March 4th!


The Holcombs said...

I always feel like Sundays are full of highs and lows. Guess that is apart of life.

Angie said...

I just had a low on Sunday when the primary presidency got realeased. I'm going to miss it. But then I got put back in as a primary teacher. The actitivy for March FORTH sounds like a great idea.
I changed her address on my blog.:)

MOANA said...

Sound like a typical sunday with the highs and low! I also love the March Forth ideas, cool!

Samantha said...

Such a cute idea about March Forth!! And dang those kids, no junk for dinner? What's wrong with them?? :) Oh and good for you for reading all day! Gotta do that every once in awhile I say!!